Empowering Jewish Women

Machon Temima provides college credits for a diverse catalog of limudei kodesh courses that count toward fulfilling a college degree. Designed to be similar to a continuation of Seminary, Machon Temima is just like an in-person classroom, only virtual. Homework is assigned. Tests are marked. Attendance and participation are a requirement for the program. Machon Temima is a virtual way for young women to continue learning Torah, while earning their degree, in a safe and structured online classroom.

Chemdah, a unique online program, was designed to encourage and empower women of all ages and all walks of life to continue learning Torah. Interactive community style courses, or independent studies, think of Chemdah as an online shiur for women that provides the flexibility to attend and participate as their schedules allow. Women learn when they want, how they want, with the materials provided to them and a teacher available to answer to guide them through.

The Shabbos Gift is just that - a gift to allow you to be present in the kitchen on Shabbos. A part of Chemdah, this course is all about the Halachos of Shabbos in the kitchen to make food preparations that much easier, week in and week out. This course has a variety of options to choose from - accredited, cohort style, or self paced - ensuring your weekly experience in the kitchen is an enjoyable and wonderful experience.
Vav Tishrei is the yahrzeit of Rebbetzin Chanah Schneerson, z"l, the Rebbe's mother. Rebbetzin Chanah devoted her life to ensuring her family would be able to live a life of Torah, despite the horrible living conditions from antisemitic communistic Ukraine and Eastern Europe. The Holy Rebbe, Blessed Be His Memory, said that his holy mother's name חנה stood for חלה, נדה, הדלקת נרות, which are some of the Mitzvot Rebbetzin Chanah encouraged women to strengthen themselves in. Strengthen your devotion to those 3 beautiful Mitzvot and other beautiful subjects in Torah and learn in the Rebbetzin's memory. Call it a “taste” of what CyberSem has to offer.
Empowering Jewish Women To Redefine Learning Torah
CyberSem is dedicated to empowering Jewish women to continue their Torah studies by fostering a safe, inclusive, and accessible online platform. With a commitment to breaking barriers and empowering Torah education for every Jewish woman, CyberSem's mission is to ensure the continuity of Torah learning. CyberSem is a place of growth and opportunity for all Jewish women.

A heartfelt testimonial from a student
The combination of readings, multimedia presentations, and pre and post class assignments complimented each other to provide an excellent learning experience. The creative assignments encouraged us to relate materials to our present, daily lives. It was fun and challenging. The instructor is excellent, dedicated, passionate, and was genuinely interested in my progress throughout the course. The course and the instructor offers a welcoming environment for all levels of learners. It afforded me the opportunity to delve further than I was familiar with, and also to begin my exploration of material that I had not previously been acquainted with. Most importantly, it inspired me to learn more about Torah and has enriched many aspects of my life, its many roles, and relationships.

Join our mission to provide Jewish women with quality Torah education
Your support helps CyberSem to continue our mission of ensuring all Jewish women have access to quality Torah education. Dedicate a course or a class, honor a loved one, give merit for a refuah sheleimah, or contribute to our educational mission. Dedications can be discreet or public - with the option to mention your name or a dedication name prominently displayed on a course or course materials. Make your contribution count today!
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